How do I upload a document in Kronos (UKG) WFR?

Upload a company document anytime you need to provide official company documents to your employees (such as updated handbooks, 401k plan materials, etc).

  1. Navigate to the Main Menu > Admin > Company Settings> Our Company> Document Upload
  2. Click on Upload Document in the upper right corner.
  3. Browse for the file you want to upload in the pop-up window (blue box labeled "Choose File") and fill in the information in the “Extra Settings” area.

    1. Enter Display Name: This is how the employees will see the document named
    2. Category: This is a drop down that new fields can be typed into and is used to sort company documents into categories when employees are viewing them 
    3. Document Type: can create document types to limit security of a document so that only certain people can see them 
      1. Click on blue hyperlink Document Type to edit/create document type (at bottom of these instructions) 
    4. Enter description of the document that you would like displayed to employees
    5. Enter any Extra Info that you want included for the employees to see as well 
    6. Directory can be left blank 
    7. Can be Downloaded By Accounts can be used to limit who can see the document via filters if the Document Type is not already doing so 
    8. Click upload 
  4. Click Save once brought to summary screen of document. Verify that you received a success message.
  5. After the document has been saved you will see it in the list of documents.

Replacing a Company Document with a newer version

If you ever need to replace an existing Company Document with a newer version, navigate to the same area of the system and click on the blue pencil icon for that document and click RE-UPLOAD in the upper right corner of the screen 

Setting up a Document Type Filter

  1. Click on the blue words Document Type, then Add New in upper right corner of your screen 
  2. Fill in Code, and name of Document Type (code can just be an abbreviation if you wish) 
  3. Click on Visible By magnifying glass and click ADD to select what type of filter you would like to use to filter visibility of document type 
  4. Click Select, Save, and assign Document Type to according documents to apply visibility filter 


        Where employees can view this document

        1. Navigate to your Main Menu> My Info > My Company> Documents
        2. Employees can download documents by selecting the icon next to the document