This guide shows a manager how to setup or change an existing direct deposit account for an employee.
- Click on Select Menu
> Team
> My Team > Employee Information
Click on the icon that corresponds to the employee you wish to edit.
- On the Payroll tab, find the Direct Deposit widget. Click on the
icon, and a new line will show above.
(OR if you are using the new Dashboard view, on the payroll tab, click Direct Deposit on the jump to menu):
Then click "Add":
Follow the remaining steps using this screen:
- Active From should be today’s date (date entering the direct deposit).
- Active To will automatically populate the 12/31/9999 date, leave this date in there so the system will use the direct deposit information.
- Type is defaulted to Direct Deposit.
- Calc Method must be selected: Entire/Remainder and Flat $ Amount are the most used methods. If the Flat $ Amount is selected a box will appear for the amount to be entered in.
- Account Type must be selected: Checking or Savings.
- ABA# or Bank Routing # must be filled in with information provided from employee.
- Account # must be filled in with information provided from employee.
- Note that if there are multiple direct deposits for an employee the sequence must be assigned correctly. A flat amount or percentage would need to be a Sequence 1. The Entire/Remainder would need to be Sequence 2 (or the last direct deposit listed). If they are entered in the wrong sequence, use the green up and down arrows on the left side to move the sequence of the direct deposits.
- The prenote will happen immediately. Depending on when the bank info is entered the 1st payment may/may not be direct deposit.
- Click on Select Menu
> Team > My Team
> Employee Information.
- Click on the
icon that corresponds to the employee that you wish to edit.
- On the Payroll tab, find the Direct Deposit widget. You will see the current active direct deposits:
- A direct deposit that was used on any payroll cannot simply be deleted by clicking the X next to the correct Sequence. Instead, change the Active To date to the last day that the account will be used (generally the last day of the previous pay period). On a direct deposit that is a flat $ amount, change the amount to $0.00 and click
. Doing both will guarantee the direct deposit will not be reactivated and used in error.
- This direct deposit will no longer appear on the list for Active. However, it will still show up under “All” if there is a need to reference back to it.