How do I update COVID sick pay for part time employees to accommodate California's new rule effective 2/19/22?

Follow these instructions to add the COVID sick time to your part time employees by using a Personal Accrual Schedule rate on an accrual. Please be certain you have consulted with the Support Team to enable this option.

  1. In the Accruals area of the Employee Information main screen, find Accrual Schedules, click on the drop down and select "Personal" remembering to click on "Save" to reveal the next step:

  2. Once you've clicked on "Save" an edit pencil will appear, which is what you will click on to set the rate: 

  3. On the next screen, click the "+Add" button to select the number of hours the employee is "Entitled To" and update to be "Hours" rather than "Days" finishing with "Save"

  4. The system will let you know when the Personal Schedule has been saved