How to Adjust Accrual Balances for an Employee

UKG allows you to calculate, track, and report employee accrued vacation, personal and sick time based on your organization’s unique policies. If there is ever a need to manually adjust the balance for a single employee, follow the instructions below. 

  1. Select Hamburger Menu then select Team > My Team > Employee Information  
  2. Select the desired employee by clicking on the Employee Information icon
  3. Click on the Main tab  
  4. Under Jump To on the right select Accruals
  5. Then select the topmost action menu in the Accruals Widget
  6. Then click Edit Balances  
  7. Adjust the balance by entering the new total balance in the Hours Remaining field.
  8. Then enter a comment.  Comments are required. If a comment isn’t entered it will not let you save it   
  9. Click